NOA by Orthoapnea®

NOA is the most advanced Mandibular Advancement Device ever created. Completely developed in a digital environment, totally adapted to the patient’s jaw biomechanics, multiplying its efficiency and comfort.

The NOA represents the latest development in bespoke CAD CAM sleep appliances tailor made to address the individual needs of your patient.

The innovative ApneaDock Online Platform allows you to prescribe, customise and order your NOA appliance, However, unlike other appliance ‘on-line’ ordering sites, it delivers so much more.

1. Customise the titration

With the NOA, mandibular titration movements are achieved by exchanging lower splints.

The stepwise advancement prescription is completely flexible and is totally under your control. After careful assessment of the patient’s TMJs and their protrusive capacity you can order the correct protrusive sequence that will be sure to deliver maximum patient comfort and maximum appliance effectiveness.

A whole range of titration sequences can be ordered.

You may choose between a standard sequence or delivering a customised sequence, which may better suit your requirements and your patient needs.

2. Personalisation of lateral movements

Patients can exhibit a large range of mandibular movements.

In some cases, the potential to develop or exacerbate TMD may be reduced if the individual patient’s range of lateral movement when wearing the appliance is limited.

As the prescribing dentist, you have the opportunity to define the amount of lateral freedom to be built into every device

thus reducing the risk of future TMD and muscle pain development.

3. Personalisation of mouth opening

The NOA allows you prescribe and limit the degree of mandibular opening. As inadvertent mouth opening during

sleep may lead to a narrowing of the airway, the innovative NOA Cam-Follower system can deliver precise control of

mouth opening without the use of awkward, unreliable inter arch elastics. Additionally, the advanced NOA Cam-Follower

design automatically advances the patient’s mandible during periods of mouth opening.

4. Personalisation of frontal opening

Whilst nasal breathing is preferred, for some patients, this is not possible. If, after an assessment of the patient’s

physiological and respiratory characteristics, you suspect that mouth breathing may be a prominent feature, you may

choose to further customise the NOA device by prescribing an anterior frontal opening to ensure enhanced anterior airflow.


    • Adaptation to your jaw movement. Avoids temporomandibular joint problems.
    • More comfort for the patient by being able to choose the lateral movement.
    • Possibility of frontal opening to allow mouth breathing.
    • Smaller size of the device for greater patient comfort
